“Clear the Past & Make Room for the NOW” with “In The Clear”
What is In The Clear?
In the Clear is a process adapted from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) that reveals the root cause, origin of limiting beliefs and emotions that were not properly processed at the time of the event. This process gives you the opportunity to safely revisit and to process correctly without having to relive them again. Some of the origins of these events may not have started with us and we are not even aware of them. We store memories in the unconscious mind and this is why we may feel the emotions without the context of the event.
What does In The Clear do?
We identify emotions that have not been processed properly and are causing issues like feelings of pain and discomfort. Suppressing emotions can lead to depression and anxiety along with outbursts of anger, rage and feelings of isolation. Once we have identified which emotion is in need of processing, we show you how to release this emotion or emotions in order for our body to be free to feel balanced or neutral. Releasing suppressed emotions allows us to change our behaviour and change our responses to life’s challenges. We then are able to respond to events based on where we are now, instead of reacting because of emotions rooted in the past that dictated our feelings and actions.
How does In the Clear work?
With no judgment of what has happened in the past, Brenda uses this process to lead you to a profound healing and understanding of how the past has a direct effect on your current behaviour. When we are triggered by an event, we react to old patterns and memories of the past (without even knowing it!). Sometimes we are triggered because of a series of events from the past that are linked together; when that happens, the memories have even more impact than a single event.
That is why we overreact. In The Clear releases these old outdated beliefs and patterns that caused us to react and overreact, and replaces them with clarity of what each emotion has to offer as a gift. When we understand that each emotion has hidden gifts and learn what they are doing for us, we can use them as a Superpower to Empower us.
What kinds of behaviours change?
~ Reactions and overreactions that you want to release. Consider road rage as an example of being triggered and overreacting to a current event. Are you really as angry as you feel simply because this particular person cut you off? In The Clear helps you respond to events such as this in a more appropriate way. We are not saying that it is wrong to be angry or sad. Every situation can affect us in different ways and we want to be in the moment with an appropriate level of emotion.
~ The ability to let go of an emotional charge after a triggering event. For instance, when a loved one dies, we grieve over the loss of that person. Then when the next one we love dies, we are now able to grieve for the next person without thinking and grieving for the first person again. No matter how much time between the two deaths, if we have not cleared the sadness and or grief, the unconscious mind adds on to the chain of unresolved and unhealed memories, linking them.
~ The ability to let go of an emotional charge after a triggering event. For instance, when a loved one dies, we grieve over the loss of that person. Then when the next one we love dies, we are now able to grieve for the second person without thinking and grieving for the first person again. No matter how much time between the two deaths, if we have not cleared the sadness or grief, the unconscious mind adds on to the chain of unresolved and unhealed memories, linking them.
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19459 O Ave., Surrey, BC V3Z 9R9