Autistic Challenges Support
Supporting autistic challenges with tutoring
Equine-assisted autism support
We support autistic challenges by tutoring with the assistance of horses.
Tutoring to engage children and adults with issues like:
- difficulty communicating
- coping with frustration
- assessing verbal cues
- assessing nonverbal cues
- standing up for them selfs
- creating healthy boundaries
- learning self worth and love
The horses help adults and kids to:
- speak their truth
- understand their feelings
- learn patience with others
- practice setting health boundaries
- leadership with kindness yet clarity
Free Connection Call
Get started on your path to healing today with a free introductory session with Brenda Brown. You’ll also receive updates about upcoming events at Mystic Waters Ranch!
Mystic Waters Ranch
19459 O Ave., Surrey, BC V3Z 9R9
19459 O Ave., Surrey, BC V3Z 9R9